Saturday, October 3, 2009

"During the two hours of game time...I forget about the car bombs and feel human again"

Unity under one flag, pride in one country

In 2007 New York Times article, reporters interviewed Iraqis from various sects to survey their feelings about the recent success of their national team in winning the Asian Cup.

What's striking is the frequency with which those interviewed touched on the ability of their national team to bring together the various religious factions. In the words of Adnan, a 29 year old Shiite, "the team includes all the Iraqi sects, but they are all Iraqis and they are our brothers." He went on to lament the fact that the politicians would learn from the example of "these simple football players who managed to unite the Iraqi people."

Obviously, it would be a gross exaggeration to say that footie, in and of itself, will be able to create a lasting peace, but it would be just as foolish to neglect football's potential to create channels for national reconciliation and a means for dialogue between and amongst sects.

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